Early Literacy Skills Overview, Reading Skills Overview

Developing Fluency Through Automaticity with Shirley Houston

In this article, Shirley Houston, a literacy trainer that works with children with learning difficulties, describes what automaticity in reading is and how you can help your students/child develop it in order to become more fluent readers.
Developing Fluency Through Automaticity with Shirley Houston
Phonics Hero
March 9, 2022
Developing Fluency Through Automaticity with Shirley Houston
Developing Fluency Through Automaticity with Shirley Houston

What is automaticity?

  • Automaticity: the ability to quickly and accurately identify letters, letter-sound correspondences, and isolated words without conscious thinking about each step in the process

Why is automaticity important?

  • Achieving automaticity in lower-level skills frees up working memory for more complex skills, such as comprehension.
  • When too much cognitive energy has to be devoted to decoding, comprehension may be reduced.
  • The faster text is processed, the easier it is to access meaning directly and integrate new information with prior knowledge.
  • Automaticity is required for fluency.

Six steps to developing automaticity:

  1. Provide explicit systematic instruction.
  2. Develop accuracy in all key components of decoding, such as blending skills, irregular word recognition, etc.
  3. Develop mastery in decoding.
  4. Provide opportunities to overlearn. - Practice should be continued beyond demonstration of mastery.

Visit the original source for a more detailed explanation of each step and suggestions on practice opportunities with Phonics Hero.


Original Source:
Shirley Houston, Phonics Hero, "Developing Automaticity in Reading": https://phonicshero.com/automaticity-in-reading/

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