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How to infuse Joy into Learning with Kara Arundel

In this article, Kara Arundel, describes how fun, engaging activities and welcoming settings can boost happiness and therefore learning in the classroom.
How to infuse Joy into Learning with Kara Arundel
K-12 Dive
May 3, 2022
How to infuse Joy into Learning with Kara Arundel
How to infuse Joy into Learning with Kara Arundel

Recommendation 1: Create a welcoming learning environment

  • Making the learning space aesthetically attractive encourages students to want to learn.

Recommendation 2: Connect with communities

  • Encouraging trust and transparency with community organizations helps strengthen the school-home-community relationships.

Recommendation 3: Incorporate games and project-based learning

  • Learn what your students are interested in and figure out how to incorporate it into lesson plans. This helps get students excited to learn.

Recommendation 4: Give students the chance to lead

  • This promotes the students’ educational ownership and helps build their self-confidence and self-esteem. It also encourages students to stay on task and learn from their mistakes.

Recommendation 5: Support your staff

  • Help teachers connect with their students and focus on their learning.

Recommendation 6: Use rituals

  • Routines emphasize positive and supportive behaviors.

For more details on these recommendations and examples that might help your classroom, visit the original source listed below.


Original Source:
Kara Arundel, K-12 Dive, "5 ways educators infuse joy into learning": https://www.k12dive.com/news/5-ways-educators-infuse-joy-into-learning/611735/

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