Why is language development important?
- Language development supports your child’s ability to communicate, express and understand feelings, think and learn, solve problems, and develop and maintain relationships.
- Language development is the basis for learning to read and write.
What can you do to support your children in language development?
- Talk with your child A LOT about things that interest your child.
- Use many different words in different contexts.
- Respond to your child’s attempts to communicate.
- Repeat and expand on what your child says. Encourage them to expand their sentences.
- Read with your child about many different topics. Point to words as you say them to show the connection between the spoken and written words.
What are some important milestones to look out for?
- 3 months: Babies will most likely coo, smile, and laugh.
- 12 months: Babies will likely be babbling and using gestures.
- 12-18 months: Children will often start saying their first words with meaning, and they can understand simple instructions.
- 18 months-2 years: Children will often start putting words together into short sentences (about 2 words per “sentence”). They can understand most of what you say and you can understand them.
- 2-3 years: Children will often speak in 3-4 word sentences and are better at saying words correctly.
- 3-5 years: Children will often engage in more complex conversations about their thoughts and feelings with an understanding of basic grammar. They will likely also talk about a wide range of topics, as their vocabulary should keep growing.
- 5-8 years: Children will often learn more words and begin to understand how sounds within language work together. They will become better storytellers, sharing their ideas and opinions.